The World At Large
Typically mean-spirited reviews of all media by this pack of bastards.
Unfortunately, there is no room for sympathy at
Industrially produced pre-packed sandwiches are the finest foodstuff known
to humanity - this site provides up-to-date reviews of the hundreds of
varieties currently available on the UK high-street.
The extraordinary blog of Poh Huai Bin, a Malaysian crank addict that eats
out a lot. There are eye-popping images of him shooting up crystal meth but
it's the reviews of Kuching restaurants and fast food joints that really
make this something special..
Thinking about seeing a film but you're worried it won't have enough sex and
violence? - check out these hilariously informative movie reviews by the
C.A.P. Ministry. They put the mental into fundamental.

The official site. Buxom babes, randy robots and Satan hisself appear in the
glossy artwork of the legendary Coop.
For many years the only internet source for Sadist info, Peter Barnard's
Harry Sadist Shrine features character profiles, an episode guide and a kind
of 'dress up Harry' game that will amuse and disturb in equal measure.
Many of our mystery images originate here - an extraordinary collection of
paintings and sculptures, carefully recovered from skips, dustbins and
Music and art collide to form this disorientating psychedelic brainsoup from
Craig and Kiran High.
Graffiti as subversive art by global prankster Banksy.

Harry Hill's TV Burp is the best thing on telly after
The Joy Of Painting.
His official site features a lot of funny stuff and Harry's surprisingly
aggressive artwork.
A comprehensive fansite detailing mental 80's sci-fi puppet show Star Fleet.
Join Shiro, Barry Hercules and Princess Lamia for a guilty trip down memory
lane aboard the X-Bomber.
Wilf Lunn was the mustachioed nutcase inventor on 70's kids tv - this is his
excellent site full of illustrations and ideas. You learn something new
every day - if you're not careful.

Original videogaming spirit. Funny and thoughtful gaming e-zine serving up
stories of modern and classic machines, when they're not servin' ass with
fo' fo' (KABOOM).
The finest flash game available to humanity. Help Zorak assault all your
favourite characters from 'Space Ghost Coast To Coast' in an attempt to save
Brak's Mom. Watch that red robot, though, he's a right slippery bastard.
Resistencia por siempre!. Often hilarious site dealing big pimp-slaps to all
aspects of gaming - updates are few and far between as the writers are too
busy injecting drugs into their cocks. Che piedi de maiale!
Hardcore plastic love from the clinical Germans. "Extended browsing
capacities are safe: now with pics & details to more than 600 handheld and
tabletop games, from the 70s and 80s".

Electronic tonalities by Chris Herbert, Sadist supporter from the dawn of
time and Birmingham's finest ambient noodler.
Check out the bangin' choons of Edd Hillier - onetime Lobster Telephone
editor and now stone-cold master of glad beats, glad beasts, anal parades
and the universe.
Lee 'Scratch' Perry - If you don't start from scratch, then you're in
trouble, you don't start nowhere.
When she isn't frolicking amongst giant, glittering space cocks, Alison
Goldfrapp makes music.
The official website of the Euro-prog-thrash metal gods. Morbid tales,
tragic serenades and Dean Martin covers. A death grunt on every page.

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suggest away. If you'd like to link to then why not use one
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